Welcome to the Holmes County
Park District

Holmes County Trail
The Holmes County Trail currently has over 22 miles of paved surface with one lane accomodating bike and pedestrian traffic and an adjoining lane for horse and buggy traffic.
SAVE-THE-DATE – The 20th Annual Holmes County Rails-to-Trails Benefit Auction will be Saturday, June 14, 2025 at Harvest Ridge, 8880 State Route 39, Millersburg. (The event is annually the second Saturday in June.) www.holmescountytrail.org
2025 Youth Volleyball Registration Open
3rd-6th Grade Girls & Boys
Deadline February 13th
Holmes County Trail
Holmes County Trail
SAVE-THE-DATE – The 20th Annual Holmes County Rails-to-Trails Benefit Auction will be Saturday, June 14, 2025 at Harvest Ridge, 8880 State Route 39, Millersburg. (The event is annually the second Saturday in June.)
Download Trail Maps
Glenmont to Brinkhaven At Brinkhaven the Holmes County Trail ties into the Knox County Trail System.
Ohio Department of Transportation and the Holmes County Park District Seek Comments on the Holmes County Trail Resurfacing Project
New Philadelphia – The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) District 11 and the Holmes County Park District are seeking comments on the resurfacing and chip sealing of approximately 7.5 miles of the existing Holmes County Trail in Hardy, Killbuck, and Mechanic Townships of Holmes County, Ohio.
The proposed project will span from North Main Street in the village of Killbuck, to an existing structure, located approximately 1.25 miles north of Hipp Station (formerly the
Millersburg Depot). The existing trail in this area varies from 12 feet to 16 feet wide with
6-8 feet paved for bicycle and pedestrian traffic and 6-8 feet chip and sealed for horses
and buggies. The project will include removing pavement from both lanes and the
placement of new asphalt. The buggy lane will be double chip and sealed to combat the
high horse traffic. Most work will be completed under part-width construction, but some short-term closures (1 day or less) may be required. Detour signage will be provided when necessary.
No wooded habitat suitable for endangered bat species will be impacted. No impacts to waters of the US will be involved. No permanent or temporary right-of-way takes are anticipated. Construction is expected to begin in August 2025 and last approximately 60 days.
ODOT and the City are seeking comments from the public regarding the social, environmental, and economic impacts of these proposed project. Environmental impacts include those associated with historical archeological or architectural resources, ecological resources, hazardous materials, and/or any general concerns regarding the project.
Written comments concerning the project may be mailed to: Holmes County Park District, 1 Trail Drive, Suite A, Millersburg, Ohio 44654; Attention: Jen Halverson, Director (330) 674-3353 or via email to holmesparkdistrict@gmail.com. All comments must be submitted by February 24, 2025.
The Ohio Department of Transportation is committed to providing access and inclusion and reasonable accommodation in its services, activities, programs, and employment opportunities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other applicable laws. Therefore, if you require language interpretation or translation services or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, please contact Thomas Stratton at 330-308-3992 or thomas.stratton@dot.ohio.gov. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability.
PID 120812